ONELAB Old News Page
- January 15, 2001: Installed a new motherboard which took the system down for about 12 hours
- October 18, 2000: Switched to a local server and aquired domain, performance should increase.
- August 29, 2000: Added e-mail notification option for changes to picture gallery.
- June 04, 2000: Lots of interesting things.
- The website's design was overhauled.
- The chat room is now functional thanks to ICQ chat. You can also send messages to ICQ users from there but not receive.
- The webcam is now a bit more stable.
- And lastly there is a "Diversions" page that has some cool things to kill time doing.
May 08, 2000: *UPDATE* The current ETA of the webcam being fully functional is the end of this month.
March 22, 2000: My Webpage provider is having problems with congested servers. The webcam will only update once a day or so for the next 4-6 weeks.
January 28, 2000: Theresa Christine was born on Jan, 25th at 8:56PM.
cut power so webcam was down until I recharged UPS.
December-20-1999: Webpage moved from to
December-27-1999: Added Guestbook and prety much finished up the front page.
December-20-1999: Webpage moved from to
November-23-19999: Webcam up
August-08-1999: Lots of news today.
- I updated the gallery a bit.
- Eileen and I returned from a weekend at
GenCon. Many gaming geeks were there and a lot of vendors.
- Oh, and lest I forget. Happy birthday
August-02-1999: The Chat room is now semi functional.
It is just something I threw together over the weekend so don't expect
July-28-1998: Tom and Eileen finally added
their interests!
July-26-1999: Thanks to "_Derek_" there is
finally an update to this site after nearly a year of inactivity.